Very versatile machine that allows to manufacture several products with only one machine. It also allows to use trays of 60 x 40 cm. grooved in both directions, depending on the product we want to manufacture, for example, it is possible to work with trays of 60 cm. with transversal channels for artisan bread sticks or campers and use the same tray for normal bread sticks (entrance to 40 cm.), considerably reducing the investment to be made since the same trays are used.
The entrance canvas is adjustable in speed with respect to the prelaminator, which allows adjusting the entrance of mass according to the thickness that we have in the entrance.
Two photocells detect the mass, stopping the entrance screen and the prelaminator.
It admits softer masses since the whole roller system works horizontally and the mass is always supported and not air.
All the rolling and forming cylinders are made of one piece stainless steel, which guarantees more durability.
The separation of the product is done by means of a spring separator, it is easily adjustable, being able to open or close the separation simply with a control and without stopping the machine.
For the manufacture of country or artisan breadsticks, a rolling band is available that does not absorb moisture and a better uniformity is achieved both at the beginning and at the end of the dough. The complete roller is mounted on a pneumatic lift that we can easily raise or lower from the touch screen.
All the speeds, as well as the centering of the tray, cutting force, times, etc., can be memorized in each program, so that you can easily change the product.
Optionally we can install a system of cutting without air, driven by servomotors of high efficiency, mounted on linear guides and with magnetic shock absorbers. This system has several advantages with regard to pneumatics, such as eliminating the air inside the installation, possibility of regulating with a very high precision the force, speed and travel of the guillotine, etc., also reducing considerably the noise of the cut, besides saving economic by the costs of compressed air.
All the components used are of first brands (Omron, Siemens, Mitsubishi, ABB, etc).