Sticks shapers

Sticks shapers soft dough model Record-SD

Machine specially designed for soft masses with high hydration or with a lot of oil such as the Valencian rosquilleta, salty snacks, etc. The horizontal work system ensures that the dough does not break or break. The separation of the product is done by means of a spring separator, it is easily adjustable, being able to open or close the separation simply with a control and without stopping the machine. Both the rolling mill and the forming cylinder are replaceable without tools, this gives us the possibility of adapting to different working widths. Automatic positioning in the tray, being able to select the separation that we want to leave between products or the distance to the edge of the tray indistinctly. Advanced electronic control with memorization of all configuration parameters of each product, including the strength of the cut. Manufactured with high levels of quality in all components for continuous work.

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Formadora Record SD


  • Bulk entrance panel with thickness detector.
  • Rolling mill cylinder replaceable and easy to adjust.
  • Replaceable stainless steel forming cylinder. several thicknesses and formats.
  • Adjustable spring separator.
  • Pneumatic cutter of great reliability.
  • Possibility of regulating the speed, force and time of the cut.
  • Electronic speed variators.
  • Control by means of color touch screen with memory of the different programs.
  • You can work with just one person placing and removing trays.
  • Folding exit conveyor.
  • Manufactured in Stainless Steel AISI 304.
  • Components of leading brands (OMRON, ABB, SIEMENS).
  • CE certification with approved safety elements.
  • Power: 2.2 Kw. 220 V. Single phase.
  • Length: 410 cm open / 308 cm. folded
  • Maximum width: 80 cm.
  • Height: 133 cm.
  • Weight: 300 kg.


Automatic forming machine, especially suitable for soft doughs, highly hydrated, high fat masses or with a lot of oil (Valencian donuts), snacks, chips with pitas, colines, grissines, regañá, oil spikes, etc.
Innovative system of work mode with only one person placing and removing trays, which saves labor.


Rueda Maquinaria S.L. ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020, financiada como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19 (REACT-UE), para compensar el sobrecoste energético de gas natural y/o electricidad a pymes y autónomos especialmente afectados por el incremento de los precios del gas natural y la electricidad provocados por el impacto de la guerra de agresión de Rusia contra Ucrania.
